Some of Your Blood

by Theodore Sturgeon It is, it is, it really is fiction. Unless you’ve had it ruined for you, and I’m not going to do so, you can’t possibly expect what you’re in for with this novel. Even a brief story synopsis will be detrimental to those who’re interested, so you get only the broadest stroke:... Continue Reading →

Black Alibi

by Cornell Woolrich “When the laws of nature conflict with indisputable evidence like this, the laws of nature go into the discard. Who is to say what they are anyway—you? I?” Manning, a recently successful promoter, convinces Kiki, his recently successful starlet client at the top of her game, to brandish a jaguar on a... Continue Reading →

In Sunlight or In Shadow

by Various Authors, Lawrence Block (Ed.) “He came from Albany, and people who come from there get what they deserve.” -Stephen King, “The Music Room” We’ve all seen Edward Hopper’s art, whether we’ve sought it out or not. There’s a subtly sad, understated despair in much of it. Sometimes it’s the perspective, evoking loneliness from... Continue Reading →

Nightmare Alley

by William Lindsay Gresham “I've given ‘em mentalism and they treat it like a dog walking on his hind legs. Okay. They're asking for it. Here it comes." As a young man, Stan finds himself joining a carnival. He begins learning the ropes of selecting marks, prying money from their hands, and finds himself a... Continue Reading →

The Collector

by John Fowles “What I’m trying to say is that having her as my guest happened suddenly, it wasn’t something I planned the moment the money came.” They call it a thriller. And it is, heightening suspense and anxiety, but since nearly half the book takes place from the point of view of the disturbed... Continue Reading →

The Twelve (The Passage trilogy vol. 2)

by Justin Cronin “We’re all dying, baby. Fair enough. But some of us more than others.” The players from book 1 of the trilogy have separated and scattered with many years having passed before this book begins. Much like The Passage, this one starts with a serious bang and maintains a fantastic pace for its... Continue Reading →

The Godsend

by Bernard Taylor "When it began there was no way of knowing that anything had begun." With a sad, despairing look back at the untold events of the last few years, we almost instantly know something went horribly wrong at the book’s opening. Then there’s the abrupt shift to a sweet, idealistic family existence where we are... Continue Reading →

A Mountain Walked

by Various Authors, S.T. Joshi (Ed.) “This prayer must be for you—for you and all the others who must be left behind, who cannot walk with me, up that final flight of wooden stairs, to peace and escape, who must go on living in the shadow of a monstrous evil of which they are not even... Continue Reading →

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