A Scent of New-Mown Hay

by John Blackburn “Gentlemen, a pestilence has broken out in the northern regions of the Soviet Union. A pestilence so terrible that if we cannot stop it we are finished. And so are you.” Part horror, part science fiction and part crime procedural, A Scent of New-Mown Hay takes place during and slightly after World... Continue Reading →

Elasticity – The Best of Elastic Press

by Various Authors, Andrew Hook (Ed.) I lay there, unable to move, remembering what it felt like to die. No one alive should know what that's like.  -Marion Arnott Consisting of fourteen short stories and one novella, this book contains nine original works and six that were scavenged from prior release and brought under the Elastic... Continue Reading →

Two-Handed Engine

by Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore “It reminds me of the old story about the guy who took a short cut through a haunted forest on Hallowe’en,” Cynthia said. “He was thinking that he’d always been on the level, and if devils could get him just because he was in the forest, there just wasn’t... Continue Reading →

The Elementals

by Michael McDowell In the waves one could hear anything: the siren’s call or the scraping tread of the dead on the sand. Luker and his 13-year-old daughter India are called away from New York to Luker’s home town in Alabama for a funeral. The family decides to spend some time in the secluded beach... Continue Reading →

He Who Walks in Shadow

by Brett J. Talley But in an insane world, all shall dwell in madness. In this sequel to That Which Should Not Be, we pick up with Carter Weston decades after the events of the first book. Carter still holds the Incendium Maleficarum, but the book stops singing to him the moment a certain German... Continue Reading →

The Delicate Dependency

by Michael Talbot "You are confronting a reality you do not have the powers of conceptualization to understand." Dr. Gladstone, a Victorian gentleman deeply engaged in his study of the flu virus after losing his wife to it, discovers a strain that prohibits antigens—a virus which disallows the human body any form of self-defense. The... Continue Reading →

That Which Should Not Be

by Brett J. Talley Words, my young friend. Words are all the power in the Universe. It was by words God created the Earth, the heavens and Hell. Is it any surprise that a book be the most powerful force in the world? Carter Weston, a young student from Miskatonik University, is dispatched to recover... Continue Reading →

Anthony Shriek

by Jessica Amanda Salmonson Come, I will teach you futility. Young Anthony, student and artist, meets the enigmatic Emily, and the two of them engage in a dark romance that sees the artist in danger of slowly losing his mind as Emily struggles to convince him they are both actually displaced demons and live by... Continue Reading →

Dangerous Visions

by Various Authors, Harlan Ellison (Ed.) Riots are the opium of the people. Some say it’s past its time, that when it was first published it may have been ‘dangerous,’ but today much of the book is downright tame with many of the ideas presented in the 1960’s blunted with time. Dangerous Visions has most... Continue Reading →

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