The Grifters

by Jim Thompson Where had it all started? she wondered. Where the beginning of this detour which had sidetracked civilization into mixing drinks with one hand and stirring up bombs with the other? Roy’s a grifter, born to a 14-year-old mother and a world where thinking fast and moving faster isn’t a con, it’s just... Continue Reading →

My Gun is Quick

by Mickey Spillane He couldn't lose me now or ever. I was the guy with the cowl and the scythe. I had a hundred and forty black horses under me and an hourglass in my hand, laughing like crazy until the tears rolled down my cheeks. Our ultra-violent, hard as rock private detective Mike Hammer... Continue Reading →

A Swell-Looking Babe

by Jim Thompson That had been almost a year ago, back before he had lost his capacity for being insulted, before he had learned  simply to accept... and hate. Dusty Rhodes is a bellhop at a high end hotel, a job that has him involved in all manner of hijinks and pays well, and he needs... Continue Reading →

I, the Jury

by Mickey Spillane Maybe I'll even give the rat a chance to get me. More likely not. I hate too hard and shoot too fast. Mickey Spillane’s first published novel introduces the iconic private investigator, Mike Hammer. As the book opens Hammer is standing over the body of his best friend Jack who’s been shot... Continue Reading →

Red Harvest

by Dashiell Hammett She looked as if she were telling the truth, though with women, expecially blue-eyed women, that doesn't always mean anything. The Continental Detective Agency, a San Francisco based investigative firm, dispatches an agent to take a job in Personville, locally known as Poisonville. The nameless investigator goes about his hired duties of... Continue Reading →

The Big Sleep

by Raymond Chandler "I don't mind if you don't like my manners. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings." Because nearly everyone who reads this book today will have already seen the seminal film, there are a few things we’ve got to get out of the way. First, the characters in... Continue Reading →

A Hell of a Woman

by Jim Thompson I told her the world was full of nice people. I'd have hated to try to prove it to her, but I said it, anyway. Dolly, a man who’s been mistreated by life and can never catch an even break, hustles through his life as a bottom rung door-to-door salesman in a... Continue Reading →

Black Wings Has My Angel

by Elliot Chaze He smiled awfully and left, and she came in and shut the door and there we were in the room together, just like that. We weren’t—and then we were. An escaped convict has successfully blended in to a low-profile, modest income job when he cashes in, deciding to live a little, and... Continue Reading →

Rendezvous in Black

by Cornell Woolrich “I haven’t an enemy in the world.” “No man can safely say that until after his death.” A young man meets the love of his life every day at 8 p.m. in front of the local drugstore. One days he’s running a couple of minutes late, and when he arrives she’s been... Continue Reading →

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