A Mountain Walked

by Various Authors, S.T. Joshi (Ed.) “This prayer must be for you—for you and all the others who must be left behind, who cannot walk with me, up that final flight of wooden stairs, to peace and escape, who must go on living in the shadow of a monstrous evil of which they are not even... Continue Reading →

The Averoigne Chronicles

by Clark Ashton Smith “The skies are haunted by that which it were madness to know; and strange abominations pass evermore between earth and moon and athwart the galaxies.” Spanning a period of hundreds of years, these stories predominantly take place in the fictional region of Averoigne, loosely based upon France's real world Auvergne. Populated... Continue Reading →

Man Drowning

by Henry Kuttner “The first step, I thought. After this I can't go back. I've made the first move and it leads right on to the last." Nick Banning, traveling east, stumbles across a well-off, eccentric couple on a ranch outside of Phoenix. He accepts a job as a kind of handyman for the couple... Continue Reading →

The Bestiary

by Various Authors, Ann VanderMeer (Ed.) “All the same, it may be maintained that since, at the time of Creation, the Creator was altogether lacking in prior experience in this sort of thing, all kinds of errors, actually, were made. And these went unnoticed until the work was finished, as is so often the case.... Continue Reading →

Children of the Black Sabbath

by Anne Hébert “But then you shouldn't have provoked God. His silence is sometimes preferable to His word.” Non-linear storytelling is one thing, but when written in the style of nightmare, hallucination and madness, some stories can become entirely different monsters. Published in 1977 and written in French, the book reads as if it’s 100... Continue Reading →

The Reckoning

by Thomas F. Monteleone “If this is the Second Coming, then somebody was lying about something.” Another fantastic read, this sequel doesn’t reach the levels of destruction you'll be expecting after the end of The Blood of the Lamb. Armageddon up to the eyeballs, you'd probably guess, but instead we get a fast-paced, fairly complex... Continue Reading →

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